Matt – It was a little shaky at first, but I think he’s got a pretty good shot at getting into the top 12. He has strong vocals and good stage presence. Kara says that he brought back the bluesy, soulful Matt. Paula said it was the perfect song. Simon said it was a billion times better than last week. Randy said it was hott.
Megan – Weird dancing…again. I’m not really into her voice tonight. Not only was it shaky (not sure if it was on purpose or not), but she would get off key fairly often and sometimes sounded like she was almost out of breath. Paula only said that she picked the right song, but didn’t say much else. Simon likes her and said that she was current, but not the best vocals. Randy agrees with Simon. Kara said they needed the variety Megan brings.
Von – I wanted to run away the minute Von started singing. Bad song, shaky vocals. He can only sing well when he sings full out…almost shouting. He just can’t do anything slow and soft. Simon said that Von was becoming boring. Randy thought Simon was right and that it was too serious and mentioned that Von had been off pitch at the beginning (when it is slow and soft). Kara said she thought it was a bad song choice.
Jasmine – Good singer, still not sure she stands out enough…not unique enough. Randy said the song was too big for her, but better than last time. Kara is confused because she didn’t know Jasmine had that big of a voice. Paula said overall she did a wonderful job. Simon said it was a pretty special and was a brave song choice, but a huge improvement.
Ricky – I think he did a good job, however, I hated the tight pants (circa last year) with the white 70’s shoes (think Saturday Night fever). Kara said he could sing his butt off. Paula said he nailed it. Simon said that he sounded good, but it was a bit karaoke and a bit weak. Randy said he had a voice, but the song sounded a little self-indulgent.
Tatiana – First of all…I don’t normally listen to the contestants talk before their performance, but I listened to Tatiana and for some reason her accent (that I never really noticed before) is very strong. Wonder if she heard Simon’s remarks the night before about how Jorge’s accent could be good for him??? And that doesn’t even have anything to do with her dramatic portrayal in the video. I really hate that she can actually sing. She sings Whitney (which most contestants try, but fail at) and does a good job. Vote 4 The Worst has to be absolutely beside themselves that she is back. The first thing Paula says is that Tatiana “grew an accent” that she’d never heard before. HEHEHE! Told you! She says that like Jorge (again…told you), when she’s really emotional she thinks in Spanish. Simon said that they’ve heard her sing that song 3 times already and he raked her for it. Randy said it started off rough, but there are good moments and bad moments. Kara said she’s confused and that it’s yet another version of Tatiana. You never know what (or who) you’re going to get when Tatiana shows up!
Anoop – (one of my favorites!) He sings “My Purgative”. I love that he chooses this song instead of some ballad like most of the guys have done. I think he is totally unique and contemporary. Paula was dancing through the whole performance. I want him to Go All The Way!!! Simon has to quiet down the audience in order to speak. Simon said he wasn’t the best singer, but people like him and that’s important. And they need to put people with personality (like Anoop) through. Randy said he slayed it. Paula said he was the showman and everyone loved the performance.
The judges decide who from the Wild Card Show get the 3 slots left in the Top 12. They decide over the break (which is pretty fast, so you know they’ve had to have already discussed this).
Jasmine Murray

Megan Corkey
(Tatiana goes home!!)
(Tatiana goes home!!)

At this point my Tivo runs out of program (because it went long and only taped an hour), so I tried to Google the results to find the third choice. Google failed me (guess it was too soon), so I had to text a friend that I knew had watched the show live.
Matt Giraud

And sneaky AI…They chose a fourth person, so now we have a Top 13 instead of a Top 12!
Anoop Desai
(they always leave the best…and most obvious…for last)
(they always leave the best…and most obvious…for last)

Is one of your favorites part of the Top
i am glad you recapped this b/c my tivo ran out too! that is SO annoying. it happened last week too. ugh. i can't stand that megan girl. i ALMOST would rather have Tatiana just b/c she can bring the crazy, and who doesn't want to hear her sing the same Whitney Houston song for the 4th time????
i love Anoop!
he is cool, he is very, very different, and he is reppin! R&B all the way and I like Jasmine too, so i am happy for now!
I'm just glad somebody reads my re-caps! It takes me a lot longer than normal to watch and write my blog post. I have to pause all the time so I can type what I'm thing at that moment.
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