Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not Quite as Planned

So summer school is not quite going as planned.

The plan: Spend 12 days with about 8-12 kids in a low-key, low-stress environment. The kids would do a lot of work on their own while I spent a good portion of the day working on my lesson plans for the next school year. All of this while making in 12 days almost as much money as I do in an entire month.

The reality: I am spending 12 days with 23 kids in a moderately stressful environment. The kids may be working on their own, but I am spending WAY too much time grading papers and preparing for the next lesson. I am still making good money though.

What is up with that? Summer school was supposed to be easy? I should not be this stressed! I spent an hour after work just getting copies made. AND...I'm getting virtually nothing done towards being prepared for next fall. I was hoping to do a major overhaul on my lesson plans.


This may have been my own fault because I sent out around 30 letters to the parents of students who were eligible to go to summer school recommending that they come to one of the two sessions...it appears that they all came to the first session! That was not part of the plan!


Mrs. E said...

I have always loved how my daughters get paid as much or more for summer school (so much less time, but still almost the same money)as they do during the regular year! I'm glad...they need the extra money. I've never taught in a district that had summer school, so no extra $$ here. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your next session will be less stressful! Those overhauls of lesson plans need to happen for me, too. (After 31 years...yeah, it never ends!!)

Gifts of Nature said...

@ Mrs. E - I'm only teaching the first session...which is partly why I wish the kids would have spread themselves out a little. I just know the next teacher will end up with 6 kids! I taught both sessions two years ago and decided that it wasn't worth the money to have to teach the entire month of June!

Mrs. E said...

I think my daughter (HS teacher) is teaching two 3 week sessions this year. My other daughter (1st grade teacher) is teaching a "summer camp" during the month of June, which is the elementary version of summer school. I know the oldest one is likely to feel overwhelmed, as she is finishing up online courses for her masters too. You remind me a lot of them: Single midwestern teachers. So glad I found your blog! Hope you enjoy your summer and that you have time to get things done you want!