Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Short "Catch-Up" Note

Just a quick note to check in...

First of all, I've been super busy getting ready for the school play. From about mid-January until mid-April it is about all I do. The play was a little over a week ago and it was awesome! I'm so proud of the kids. Now I just really need to clean up the stage before someone else needs it...

I'm still on my way to becoming a thinner me. Yesterday I weighed in, and I've lost 40.6 pounds so far! That puts me at 265.8 pounds. I have a little goal of trying to reach 50 pounds by the first weigh in of June, so 10 more pounds to go. I know I'll reach 50 pounds lost; I just hope I can do it by June. My next significant "mini" goal is to get below 250 pounds, so I've set 245 as the goal. It's been a long time since I've been under 250. I would guess close to 5 years. 20 more pounds and I'll reach that big (for me) "mini" goal.

I was able to fill a garbage bag up with all my old clothes that are too big! So excited about that. I had saved back some pants/jeans that were a size smaller, so I still have stuff to wear. It's like I have a bunch of new pants!

It's been exciting having people come up to me and say that they are noticing how much I've lost. I'm proud to tell them how much I've lost (although I don't tell everyone where I started).

I've also started walking. I'm walking 2 miles every chance I get. Actually, I just worked up to 2 miles the other day. I walk on the county roads by my house and it is SUPER hilly (Don't forget I live in the Ozarks!)!! I walk at a pretty good clip, especially since I just started and am still pretty out of shape. I did my first 2 mile stretch in 45 minutes. I think that's pretty good considering some of the hills I have to climb.

Keep me in your prayers. Everyday is a small challenge (although it's getting easier). I told myself today that one thing I like better than the food I've given up is hearing people comment on my weight loss!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! Stop by if you need motivation

Fitness Achievement